Olympian Gloria Kotnik is the Ambassador for the 22nd Street Workout Park in the Municipality of Mislinja

In addition to supporting elite sports and local sports clubs, SIJ Group is committed to promoting sports and recreation for all. Since 2015, in partnership with the Olympic Committee of Slovenia – Association of Sports Federations, we have been installing street workout parks in local communities across Slovenia to encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

On the Slovenian national holiday, the Day of Slovenian Sport, we, along with four-time Olympian and Olympic bronze medalist Gloria Kotnik—Slovenia's most successful female snowboarder—officially opened the 22nd street workout park. Located along the Štrekna cycling path in Mislinja, the equipment was manufactured by SIJ Ravne Systems and is now available for public use. 

Since 2015, SIJ Group has been collaborating with the Slovenian Olympic Committee – Association of Sports Federations to plan and establish a network of street workout parks. In the past nine years, we have enhanced the Slovenian sports landscape with 22 street workout parks across 20 municipalities. This year, we plan to open two more. 
The residents of Mislinja will undoubtedly remember this year’s Day of Slovenian Sport for the official opening of the street workout park, with ambassador Gloria Kotnik among the distinguished guests, as well as for the variety of accompanying activities. Sports enthusiasts joined Matjaž Hudopisk, Director of SIJ Ravne Systems; Katja Koren Miklavec, Vice President of the Slovenian Olympic Committee, former top skier, and Olympic slalom medalist from the 1994 Lillehammer Games; Blaž Šaloven, Director of the Mislinja Municipal Administration; and Olympian Gloria Kotnik, ambassador of the gym, at the event. Together, they cut the ribbon and officially handed over the outdoor gym along the Štrekna cycling path to the citizens of Mislinja. 

To make the event more engaging, students from the Dolič branch of Mislinja Primary School prepared an entertaining cultural program. After the ribbon-cutting, young athletes were the first to test the new sports facility, adding an exciting start to its presence in the local community.

The participants were first addressed by Blaž Šaloven, Director of the Municipal Administration of Mislinja: “In the municipality of Mislinja, we place great importance on sports infrastructure because we want our citizens to be healthy and feel good, which we can achieve through physical activity. The opening of this street workout park is another valuable addition to Mislinja's sports infrastructure. I hope everyone takes full advantage of it to improve their health.” 

Katja Koren Miklavec, Vice President of the OCS – ASF for Athletes and Olympic Values, expressed gratitude to SIJ Group and the municipality for their collaboration: “SIJ Group is a dedicated and versatile supporter of Slovenian sport and a healthy, active lifestyle. Their support ranges from direct assistance to our top athletes and Olympians, to actively promoting physical activity among their employees. This commitment is also evident in the impressive project of street workout parks, which have been set up across Slovenia, improving exercise opportunities in many municipalities. Through projects like these, which make sports infrastructure accessible to a broad population, we help sustain and elevate the overall sports culture in Slovenia. This not only fosters a healthy lifestyle but also contributes to long-term public health improvements and the continued success of our athletes on the international stage.”

The official speeches concluded with remarks by Matjaž Hudopisk, Director of SIJ Ravne Systems, where the street workout park was manufactured:

“At SIJ Group, we have operated for decades under the principles of the circular economy, producing steel exclusively from steel scrap. Our commitment to sustainability is embedded in our sustainability strategy, which we are further advancing with a decarbonization plan. We are also extending our sustainable practices into the realm of sports. Through the creation of street workout parks in collaboration with the OCS – ASF, we are raising awareness of steel's essential role, not just in industry but in sports infrastructure as well. In both sports and business, having a 'mind of steel' is crucial for achieving top results, and this has always been a core value of SIJ Group. With the installation of these outdoor gyms, we hope to inspire the mind of steel in everyone.” 

Before the first users tried out the outdoor gym, the floor was given to its ambassador, snowboarder Gloria Kotnik: "I am extremely honored and proud to be the ambassador for this street workout park. I often cycle past here and am constantly reminded of how important it is to have a mind of steel. In whatever you do in life—whether it’s sports or any other activity—talent and hard work alone will not be enough to achieve your goals. You will encounter various obstacles that you can only overcome with a mind of steel. I believe that we all have it within us; we just need to awaken it. We can do this through desire, by helping one another, encouraging each other, and staying connected. It’s hard for any one of us to succeed alone, but as a team, we can achieve great things. I encourage you to use this street workout park as much as possible. Invite your grandparents, parents, relatives, and friends, and make the most of every nice afternoon!" 

Just like top athletes, we at SIJ Group, as producers of higher value-added steels, are constantly striving for excellence in our industry.  The journey to excellence and the attainment of this goal is never easy. It takes a mind of steel to achieve peak success and to reach your full potential, both in sports and in business. It has always been a hallmark of SIJ Group. Through our partnerships in sports and the installation of street workout parks, we aim to awake the mind of steel in everyone.

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